
How to Get a GCP Static IP Address on Google Cloud

Google Cloud

A GCP Static IP? Why Do I Need One For My App?

It all comes down to security and hardening your infrastructure. Along with other security essentials like firewalls, IDS/IPS, and DMZ’s, static IP’s on GCP are a fundamental aspect of a secure infrastructure build out for almost all companies.

Additionally, many outside vendors require companies to add firewall rules that only allow access via known static IP’s to their protected internal databases or API’s. Or, maybe they require you to only access and route traffic via a third party’s API from specified IPs.

Fortunately, there are a few ways to get the benefits of GCP’s horizontal scalability while still routing critical traffic through a static IP.

Option 1: Default GCP Static IP

GCP offers their own static IP’s for all accounts, which is really exceptional when you compare that that option to other cloud providers. Hats off to Google for enabling that option by default.

However, if you’re building a service a tad bit more mission critical than a routine app, there’s likely strong need to have a managed Static IP service that’s more secure, constantly monitored, and more customizable than the Google out-of-the-box static IP option.


  • An unmanaged Static IP that checks the boxes for some minimum security requirements. (Unfortunately, even with SSL enabled, the GCP static IP is not sufficient for HIPAA, FINTECH transactions, or any sensitive PII)
  • Free (if you ignore the cost of the engineers required to setup, maintain, and troubleshoot it year round)


  • Weak Security +GCP’s provides a free Static IP that results in insecure communications between endpoints, even with SSL enabled. Protocols, ports, endpoints and other metadata regarding your transactions are are discoverable by malicious actors.
    • We outline the reasons why GCP’s Static IP’s are inherently insecure at our Why is QG Shield More Secure Than QG Static? page.
  • No Load Balancing
    • If your GCP static IP is handling critical traffic, what happens when your throughput increases unexpectedly? GCP’s static IP’s offer no automatic load balancing for your traffic spikes.
    • At the very least, you will need another box for a load balancer and one more for the secondary proxy.
    • All of this burns up more DevOps resources, more endpoints to keep track of, more long-term GCP committments, etc.
  • DevOps
    • Managing GCP servers with all of the maintenance, monitoring and upgrade pain that it brings. We’ve all seen GCP committments and how they can lock you into old solutions that don’t mature with your business.
    • In many ways, managing GCP infrastructure is the opposite of why you’re using GCP in the first place. Not worrying about the availability of your infrastructure is one of the reasons why you moved to Google Cloud in the first place.
  • Support
    • GCP Support costs $$$ and only grows more expensive the more you use GCP.
    • If you need to speak to a human (not necessarily an engineer) about a problem, they cost $500/mo plus 3% of your GCP monthly charges.
    • And don’t be fooled, the first human that writes you back won’t be an engineer, it’ll be a GCP Support receptionist directing your ticket into yet another queue.
    • QuotaGuard offers only human support with real engineers for zero additional cost.

Option 2: Use QuotaGuard’s Hosted GCP Static IP Proxy Service

Ahhh, the “Cloud-based Way” – let other people worry about boring infrastructure so you can build awesome apps.

By using a hosted service like QuotaGuard Static IP’s, you will automatically be provided with a set of Static IP address that your traffic will route through via an Elastic Load Balancer. No server setup or management required. All you need to do is configure your app to direct your inbound or outbound traffic through our provided proxy server. We handle all the High Availability, the fail-over requirements, and the load balancing for you.

For users of Google Cloud, QuotaGuard Static is available on our direct site where you can configure your QuotaGuard GCP Static IP address to your app in one click with no need to change the core of your code.

Option 2: Use QuotaGuard’s Hosted GCP Static IP Proxy Service


  • Load Balanced, High Availability
    • With QuotaGuard Static you get a primary and secondary IP that are hidden behind a load balancer. This means that if one static IP fails traffic will automatically be routed through the secondary IP and your critical traffic is not affected.
    • Your traffic is routed through a proxy cluster with health monitoring, load-balancing, and automated failover, ensuring high availability.
  • No Infrastructure to Manage
    • That’s our job. We do it all day, every day, 24/7/366.
  • True End to End Security
    • Even with a full end to end HTTPS connection setup from GCP, the proxy username, password, host, and port are sent in the clear between the source and the GCP static IP proxy.
    • QG Shield provides true end-to-end protection of financial/health/PII and other sensitive information.
    • QG Shield utilizes SSL Passthrough with no decryption/encryption at endpoints to prevent malicious actors from trying to impersonate your traffic.
  • Customization
    • We allow customers to tailor and customize their dual static IP’s, proxy settings, headers, etc.
    • Dedicated proxies available for use cases where proxies can not be on a shared resource with other users.
  • Support
    • No chat bots, no ticket submission mazes, just real engineers on email away. At no additional cost. Don’t believe us? We’re right here…
  • Feedback
    • Our feedback from customers is public, you can check it out on Capterra.


QuotaGuard is not free, but our plans start at $19/month for 20,000 requests and you can tailor your payment package to suit your application needs and business goals.

QuotaGuard is the world’s leading Static IP solution provider for distributed networks and cloud-based applications.

We believe QuotaGuard is the most robust, scalable and cost effective way of getting a Static IP address on GCP and we offer full support for customers to help you setup, configure, and debug your implementation(s).


If you have any questions about whether QuotaGuard is the right service for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at QuotaGuard Support.

We answer all support emails within a few hours, so send in your questions and we’ll help figure out if our solution is the right fit for your use case.

We also respond to queries raised through the Google Cloud support channels – but they will take longer to reach us – so we encourage you to just reach out to us directly.

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