
Isn’t HTTPS and Secure SOCKS enough security?

Just using HTTPS or Secure SOCKS is not sufficient for end-to-end encryption via Static IP proxies

Only QuotaGuard Shield does not expose sensitive data or require sharing private certificates with third parties, like other Static IP proxies, when using HTTPS or Secure SOCKS

Exposing sensitive data and sharing private security keys is not HIPAA / PCI compliant and introduces multiple security vulnerabilities – even if you aren’t subject to any outside security requirements.

QuotaGuard Shield uses SSL Passthrough – instead of SSL Termination – to route all traffic securely.

QG Shield safeguards three pieces of sensitive information that other Static IP services leave vulnerable

  1. Private SSL Certs: You never have to share your private keys with a third party, like QuotaGuard. As of 2018, 56% of security incidents stem from 3rd party compromise.
  2. Sensitive Infrastructure Metadata: You never expose your source/destination hostnames, open ports, and running/accessible services and applications to malicious actors allowing them to map out your corporate network.
  3. Static IP Proxy Credentials: You never route any IP Proxy credentials unencrypted for hackers to steal and impersonate your traffic through your trusted Static IP’s.
Inbound Proxy - QG Static vs. QG Shield Outbound Proxy - QG Static vs. QG Shield

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